Monday 5 January 2015

Changing my habits in 2015

New year brings a lot of looking back at the past year and past mistakes and forming new years resolutions that should FINALLY change our life to better.
I love resolutions. All January I am able to stay excited and keep them. Yes, all January. And then my inborn lazyness gets the better of me. But every year I still try. When I started to think about this years resolutions, I went through my old ones in my diary and realised, they  don´t really change. They are all about finishing school, getting to another school, finding a boyfriend, losing weight...
Last year I postet 31 things I want to do and looking back, I managed to do about half of them. Not too bad. Sort of. Maybe.
So this year I decided to do it a little differently and more focus on what would make my life better for real - changing my habits.

During my stay in England I managed to gain six kilograms despite of the five miles that I cycled to work every day and quite physically challenging job. Also my back issues are worse. That makes my nr.
1. Making yoga a part of my life, starting with the 30 days of yoga challenge by Yoga with Adriene

When I started this blog last year I was very excited. All January. Ehm... I will try to be better this time around.
2. Take my time and do this blog regularly. Finish all semifinished articles and write new ones.

I was looking for a some sort of creative hobby to stop doing nothing (watching series while playing candy crush) in my free time. So this is what I want to try:
3. Learn knitting

4. This year might be the year when I finally make my language certificates

5. Goodreads reading challenge: 27 books

Healthy eating and more cooking is too much of a challenge for me (one step at the time), so I have to repeat the old resolutions:
6. Taking better care of my body (drinking more water, eating less cookies, regular use of body lotions and peelings and face and hair masks...). Gosh I am really getting old =D

 Another thing I would like to change are my shopping habits:
7. Puting quality before quantity in cosmetics and clothes shopping. Better to have one good quality make-up than four ok ones.

Last but not least: In my age I should really know better.
8. Find/create/polish my personal style. I am getting too old to dress the same like when I was under twenty. (yes, I even still wear the same clothes)

What are your new years resolutions? What are you hoping to change this year?


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